Phala Roadmap of Mainnet and Parachain Auction

Phala Network, aiming to be the privacy infrastructure parachain in Polkadot ecosystem, has been under development for almost a year. With the help from Web3 Foundation and Parity on Substrate framework, Phala has achieved significant progress in our milestones, which could take millions of dollars and several years of time for our competitors to accomplish. Today, we are excited to announce our roadmap in the next few months including the big updates such as the launch of our new testnet Vendetta, pre-mainnet and the support for Polkadot parachain consensus.

Phase 0

Network Type:Testnet


Core Development:

  • NPoS:A decentralized mechanism serving Gatekeepers and Nominators and securing the stability of the network.
  • Privacy-preserving Computing Node:Centralized TEE computing tasks processing
  • Privacy-preserving Functionalities:
    • Mutual authentication and communication between TEE & the blockchain
    • Anonymization of on-chain transactions
    • “Phala Dark Wallet” based on Polkadot.js in which users can convert their assets into “secret” ones to protect their privacy
    • Phala confidential smart contract: ERC20-like privacy issuance contract, as the validation of TEE-related contract function.
  • Governance: on-chain governance mechanism which is consistent with Polkadot, including Council, Treasury, and Proposal, etc.

Our testnet incentive program has allocated an estimate of 200,000 ~ 300,000 PHAs to the community for community incentives, user education and functionality testing, as planned in Phala whitepaper. In phase 0, PHAs are distributed as ERC20 tokens to maintain modest liquidity.

Dark Wallet:
Node Setting:Phala Network Wiki

Phase 0.5

Network Type:Testnet


  • POC-3 (Testnet Vendetta)

Expected Launch Time:November, 2020

Core Development:

  • NPoS:A decentralized mechanism serving Gatekeepers and Nominators and securing the stability of the network.
  • Privacy-preserving Computing Node:
    • Decentralized TEE nodes integration
    • Easy and smooth registration on Phala testnet for any types of TEE device
    • Miner incentive mechanism (online reward for TEE miners)
    • Random distribution of computing tasks (computing rewards for TEE miners)
    • Integration of third-party mining pools to provide public IPs for individual TEE devices
    • Low (even zero) staking threshold for miners with an NPoS-like nomination protocol, PHA holders are allowed to stake PHA for miners (so they can start mining without purchasing too much PHA) and share the profits of mining.
  • Privacy-preserving Functionalities:
    • Well-organized documentation for developers to build tools on Phala Network, such as DeFi applications, codebooks, secret ledgers, etc.
    • Development of Web3 Analytics confidential smart contract, which would be crucial to on-chain data and apps.

Phase 0.5 (testnet Vendetta) will be launched soon in November 2020 and about 500k to 1 million PHAs will be distributed to participants in an incentivized race (like Filecoin Space Race :P).

Phase 1

Network Type: Pre-mainnet


  • Pre-mainnet: Darth Vader

Expected Launch Time: Q4 2020

Core Development:

  • Token Migration:
    • Users can migrate their ERC20 PHA to Phala Darth-Vader Network
    • Darth Vader tokens can be migrated to Phala mainnet pari passu.
    • For participants who haven’t claimed their Kusama Stakedrop rewards, they will receive Darth Vader PHA directly instead of ERC20 PHA.
  • Token Economics
    • Total Supply of Darth Vader PHA will increase as the migration of ERC20 PHA (about 5 ~ 7 million PHA) grows
    • Token Distribution: 100 % of the total supply (the migrated tokens) will be allocated to the prize pool of TEE Mining. And Gatekeepers (together with their nominators) will share the inflation of the total supply.
    • The prize pool of mining on Darth Vader will ONLY BE AVAILABLE in 6 months with profits to be halved once a month. After 6 months, the unmined (unclaimed) PHA will be burned before mainnet launch.
  • NPoS:
    • Well-functional Gatekeeper (GK) nodes and Nominator staking mechanism
    • A GK node can only run a TEE (SGX-abled) device with a sufficient amount of staking PHA by nominators. GK’s profits come from the inflation of total supply, as mentioned in Phala whitepaper.
    • Nominators will be able to share PHA profits through their staking according to the proportion that the GK sets.
  • Privacy-preserving Computing Node:
    • Miners will receive PHA with registration on Phala Network and computing tasks.
    • As the prize pool of Darth Vader (5~7 million) is much less than mainnet design (700 million), the staking threshold would be lowered as well (less than 250 PHA/core)
    • Third-party mining pool public-IP service available
    • Miner Client on Linux completed
    • Miner nomination functionality completed (nominators can stake their PHA to a certain miner node to help him or her to start mining while sharing his or her mining profits according to the ratio that the miner sets)
  • Privacy-preserving Functionalities:
    • Phase-by-phase launch of W3A smart contract
    • Phase-by-phase implement of cross-chain transactions
    • Phase-by-phase implement of Libra-Polkadot bridge
  • Governance: decentralized and full-functional on-chain governance realized with all modules available, including Council, Treasury (taxed from mining and inflation), Proposal and Allocation, etc.

Phase 1 marks the full-development of Phala mainnet. Same to Kusama, as Phala pre-launch, Darth Vader will run for about 5-6 months to test and prove all functionalities. It is worth noting that during this period, ONLY assets are allowed to be migrated to Phala mainnet, your data and other records will be unmigratable. Phala DOES NOT recommend any type of Darth Vader PHA trading, as they will not be persisted.

Phase 2

Network Type: Mainnet as parachain


  • Parachain slots of Kusama and Polkadot gained
  • Running as a Kusama parachain for the 1st year
  • Gradually transforming form POA to decentralized network within 30 days after mainnet launch

Expected Launch Time: After the 1st round of Kusama Slot Auction

Core Development:

  • PHA migration:
    • ERC20 PHA → mainnet PHA
    • Darth Vader PHA → mainnet PHA
    • Releasing prize of Kusama parachain auction airdrop phase by phase
  • Token Economics:
    • Total Supply: 1 billion
    • Distribution and Mining: same as the Token Economics Whitepaper design
    • Initial economic parameters will be computed and set by theoretical verification of game theories
  • NPoS
    • Well-functional Gatekeeper(GK) nodes and Nominator staking mechanism
    • Decentralized keystore management maintained by Gatekeepers
    • Highly-efficient storage of confidential smart contract state
  • Privacy-preserving Computing Node:
    • As introduced in the Token Economics Whitepaper
    • A more trustable and flexible algorithm of computing task distribution (compared to Phase 1)
  • Privacy-preserving Functionalities:
    • Use case: Decentralized Darkpool
    • Will be able to support more Dapps and products developed by other projects or teams
  • Governance:
    • Gradual building of Phala DAO, liquid democracy and anonymous on-chain voting.
    • Parachain: composable use cases with other parachains

Phase 3

Network Type: Mainnet as parachain


  • Parachain slots of Polkadot gained
  • Running as a Polkadot parachain
  • Migration from Kusama Network to Polkadot Network

Expected Launch Time: After the 1st round of Polkadot Slot Auction

Core Development: Same as Phase 2

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