Phala App Changelog (March 12, 2023)

March 12, 2023

New features

More useful charts

We have brought more charts for StakePools, Vaults and delegation NFTs. These new charts allow you to track data changes and trends on a weekly basis. Below is a list of the available charts:

  • Vault: APY, TVL, commission, delegator count, StakePool count, daily owner rewards (available on the farm page)
  • StakePool: APR, delegation value, commission, delegator count, worker count, daily owner rewards (available on the farm page)
  • Delegation NFT: value, daily rewards

Concept list

Click on the information buttons next to certain concepts for more detailed explanations.


Network indicator

A tooltip has been added to the network selector, including API connection status, backend block height, on-chain block height, and recent block time.


NFT cards redesign

We redesigned the NFT cards for improved clarity and accessibility of pool and owner information.


  1. The APR/APY will be displayed immediately as the page loads.
  2. To capture trend changes more accurately, the pool-related charts have been updated from daily to hourly dimensions.

Bug fixes

  1. The ‘all free’ option for withdrawal will exceed the current delegation value.
  2. Some pools’ free value may appear as negative.
February 20, 2023

February 20, 2023

New features

  1. Delegable balance, which includes free and wrapped balances, will show in the delegate section now.
  2. Wrapped balance will be used automatically when delegating, manual unwrapping is no longer required.

Bug fixes

  1. Labels of some charts might be overflow.
  2. StakePool delegable excluded withdrawing value in some cases.


Introduce real-time data updates

  1. Data in delegate and mining is now updated in real-time (Since indexing takes time, it will be several blocks behind the chain).
  2. APR calculations are now based on recent block time.
  3. V1 version has been removed from app.

More features included

  1. Delegator can filter stake pools by total stake now.
  2. Workers can be searched by public key and pid in mining page.
  3. Miners can see total withdrawal of a stake pool in mining page.
  4. Trimmed address will display besides account identities to prevent impersonation.
  5. Owner can claim owner reward and delegator reward of a stake pool separately.

Bug fix

Fix some display errors on mobile device.


Fix delegate v1 page crash


New Feature

  1. Owners can now manage the whitelist on the stake pool details page.
  2. Stake pool description word limit increased to 240 characters.

Bug Fix

Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on withdraw.


  1. Fixed an issue that could result in unstable order and duplicate data in mining tables.
  2. Dashboard data is now displayed correctly even if coin price requests fail.
  3. There will be prompts about the network and hardware wallets when transferring PHA.


  1. Added Hide Closed filter in Delegate. Some StakePools have whitelists, if you are not on the whitelist, you cannot delegate


  1. Open the transfer and Crowdloan reward claim functions under the Phala network


  1. Delegate/Mining: Added transaction error prompt description


  1. Delegate/Mining: Added the feature to claim Owner/Delegator rewards separately


  1. Add Changelog to the navigation


  1. Delegate: The new data Delegable, Delegable=Remaining+Withdrawing, is the amount that the StakePool can be delegated


  1. Add Mining entry to the mobile version


  1. Delegate: add a commission prompt mark to mark the pools whose commission has been downgraded in the past 3 days
  2. Delegate: add an unknown icon to the owner with an identity but unauthenticated
  3. Delegate, Mining: automatically refresh new data
  4. Delegate, Mining: fix the issue that transactions can be submitted repeatedly
  5. Pool Page: add worker list


  1. Separate SubBridge module as


  1. Khala adds Dwellir node


  1. Lots of new charts added to Analytics


  1. Delegate, Mining: add a transaction fee
  2. Mining: the withdraw tag is added to the pool list. If the pool has withdrawn, there is a tag
  3. Optimize the account module style and add some icons


  1. Fix the issue that transactions can be submitted repeatedly in SubBridge


  1. A new version of the Analytics page is launched, with upgraded styles and data sources


  1. Delegate: optimize the “remaining filter”, it can customize the filter range
  2. Mining: add “reclaimable countdown” for coolingdown worker


  1. Integrate Talisman and SubWallet


  1. Mining: Add “Change Stake”


  1. The StakePool page adds a historical data chart function. You can view the historical data charts of APR, Commission, Delegation, and Worker for the past 30 days


  1. SubBridge adds bridge transfers from Karura to Khala


  1. Function Bridge upgrade to product SubBridge
    1. UI refresh
    2. Added Khala to Karura one-way bridge


  1. Optimize the APR algorithm and adjust the block-time in the algorithm to be dynamic.


  1. Added StakePool Page
    1. StakePool’s Detail: Owner, APR, Commission, Worker Amount, Delegator Amount
    2. StakePool’s Stake Info
    3. Withdraw Queue
    4. Delegate Operation


  1. Mining page upgrade

    1. Connected with back-end data, improved data reading speed
    2. Added Claim All: all rewards can be claimed at one time, including owner rewards and delegator rewards in all StakePools
    3. Optimized UI to make it more reader-friendly
    4. Added header tips to make it easier to understand
  2. Added Reclaim All:

    The funds staked on the Worker need to be manually reclaimed after the cooling down period before they can be released. Reclaim All is reclaiming all workers in a StakePool that can be reclaimed at that time.

    If the funds are not withdrawn immediately after withdrawing from a pool, you can start to pay attention to whether the Reclaim All in the StakePool is highlighted after 7 days. The highlight means that there are funds that can be reclaimed. You can continue to operate Reclaim All within 14 days until all Withdraw is satisfied.


  1. Dashboard page upgrade
    1. Optimized UI
    2. Add asset details


  1. Corrected the display of balance of Khala-Ethereum bridge


  1. Fixed the issue of Ethereum wallet missing connection


  1. Upgraded navigation module


  1. Delegate page upgrade
    1. connected with backend data, improved data reading speed
    2. Optimized UI to make it more reader-friendly
    3. Staking pools are sorted by APR by default
    4. Added header tips to make it easier to understand
    5. Deleted 0 delegated & 0 rewards stake pools in “My Delegate”


  1. Added Max button on the withdraw pop-up window

  2. Upgraded Polkadot js


  1. Fixed the accuracy problem of bridge transfer


  1. Added entrance for Governance


  1. Fixed the problem of feedback latency after the transaction is sent
  2. Optimized Metamask connection logic
  3. Optimized the transaction confirmation logic, so that the same transaction can be issued repeatedly


  1. Added fee display for Assets, Delegate, and Mining


  1. Added Zendesk customer service system


  1. Bridge: Added Bridge Fee


  1. Delegate: Fixed identity display problem
  2. Delegate, Mining: Added minimum amount of claim


  1. Delegate: Added “Claim All” function


  1. Mining: Add “Reclaim All” function


  1. Added withdraw pop-up reminder


  1. Added Khala-Ethereum PHA bridge transfer


  1. Mining, Delegate: Added reclaim function


  1. Added analytics page


  1. Delegate: Optimized search function
  2. Optimized the countdown of the extraction queue during mining


  1. Added asset transfer function
  2. Enabled asset claim function


  1. Delegate: In the delegation pledge, when the delegation is withdrawn, the problem of not being able to withdraw fully has been fixed
  2. Fixed the issue of sidebar link failure.
  3. My Delegate: Fixed the problem of no data.


  1. My Delegate: Fix the problem that the StakePool is hidden when there is no delegation but there are still unclaimed rewards in “My Delegation”


  1. Mining: Fixed the issue of displaying all StakePools and workers in the incognito mode.
  2. Delegate: added APR, commission, and remaining filter.