矿池协议报 Light validation failed invalid ancestry proof 错误

添加矿机的时候,在 这一步,返回了如下错误

Light validation failed invalid ancestry proof


We are working on massive refactor and upgrade of the core blockchain and the mining protocol to adopt the latest Tokenomic v0.9 and the Polkadot parachain architecture. When the development is ready, we are going to launch a new testnet (Para1).

The running testnet (poc4-dev) and runtime-bridge are still based on the old mining protocol. The difference between the new one and the old one is significant. Some frequentely asked questions are already no-issue on the new testnet. Therefore we storngly suggest you to wait for the new testnet launch, and the runtime-bridge will be available shortly after that.

You can find the latest development progress from the links below:

  1. Phala/Khala Core Protocol Progress
  2. Mining Protocol Progress

目前Phala Network的Runtime代码正在进行大规模重构与升级,以适配新的经济模型 v0.9 和平行链,提供更可靠的挖矿机制。开发完成后,我们即将上线新的平行链测试网 (para1)。

当前正在运行的测试网络(poc4-dev)与 runtime-bridge 对接的依然是旧挖矿机制。新的机制和旧机制相比差别很大,而大家遇到的许多问题,很可能在新版本中已经得到了解决,因此 Phala 团队建议大家耐心等待新的测试网络上线。当新测试网络上线后,runtime-bridge 也会得到相应的更新,但由于开发依赖上游组件, runtime-bridge 会稍后发布。


  1. Phala/Khala核心进展
  2. 挖矿协议进展


  1. (in English/英文) Telegram: Contact @phaladeveloper
  2. (in Chinese/中文) 📌 矿池协议开发讨论贴

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