9/17 MINING ANN | Mining countdown > launching time, OneshotTransfer

Dear Phamily:

:fire::fire::fire:Khala Secure Mining is in the final countdown stage:fire::fire::fire:

Please check out our latest update:

:pushpin: Almost there:

We will complete the V1100 update and launch new Runtime.We will also launch a new function “OneshotTransfer”.

:pushpin: How to calculate the exact launching time

Since the most accurate launching time depends on the block height, please follow the formula below to calculate:

(411139 - current block height)*12/3600

*The current theoretic block production speed is at 12s/block.

:pushpin:The OneshotTransfer function

OneshotTransfer, which is a special one-time transfer function, will be launched in order to better facilitate users to deploy Workers and decrease their’s Gas fees.

Before Khala officially opening the transfer function, each account address has only ONE chance to transfer and to receive tokens to/from mulitple addresses. For example, if address a uses one shot and transfers tokens to b, c, d, then none of the four addresses can use this function again.

After Khala opens the offical transfer function, OneshotTransfer function will be disabled. All of the addresses will be back to normal use.

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