How to fix 9/15 snapshot if you meet problem | 一种修复 9-15 全量快照的方法

I restored my miner node with 9/15 snapshot which Phala official provided.

But when I’m syncing pherry, I met many errors that I can’t start mining,
finally I fixed them.

here’s what I’ve done:

  • Extract and place extracted files to correct place as official FAQ described
  • Delete chains/khala/db folder, this part is corrupted that can’t be used, you have to re-sync it
  • cd ~ && wget && chmod +x polkadot download Parity’s Polkadot
  • MAKE SURE YOU HAVE STOPPED khala-node and pherry, pruntime don’t need to be stopped
  • ./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /data/khala-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
    • if you’re using docker image or solo-mining script, you should sudo ./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /data/khala-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
    • change /data/khala-node to your khala-node data folder, and /polkadot must be the end of the path, e.g. if you’re using solo-mining script, you need to change the command to sudo ./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /var/khala-dev-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
  • When it start, you have to waiting some minutes, then you can see it sycing data, just let it run about a minute, then Ctrl + C to stop it
  • The syncing should start ~9000000 block height, because we’re starting from the snapshot, if start from 0, check --base-path you must give an incorrect path
  • Restart khala-node and pherry
    • You must add --fetch-blocks 512 to pherry if you’re using official Docker Image add it to EXTRA_OPTS like this -e EXTRA_OPTS="-r --parachain --collator-ws-endpoint=ws://localhost:9944 --fetch-blocks 512", solo-mining script should has been fixed by Phala team, just upgrade it
    • I suggest start pherry when you confirm khala-node is fully synced.


  • 先按官方的教程把备份给恢复了
  • chains/khala/db目录删了,这部分彻底坏了,重新同步一次一两小时,等等问题不大
  • 运行 cd ~ && wget && chmod +x polkadot 下一个官方的波卡
  • 进行后边操作之前确保把 khala-nodepherry 给停了, pruntime 可以不关
  • 运行./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /data/khala-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
    • 要是用 docker 或者官方那个 solo 挖矿跑的要加 sudo 像这样 sudo ./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /data/khala-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
    • /data/khala-node 改成你那边存数据的路径,结尾必须是 /polkadot,比如你用官方那个 solo 挖矿脚本,你就改成 sudo ./polkadot --chain "kusama" --base-path /var/khala-dev-node/polkadot --pruning=archive
  • 等几分钟,开始应该卡一会,过会就出来在同步的信息,而且区块差不多是900多万,如果从 0 开始的,说明你 -base-path 路径给错了,让他跑一两分钟按 Ctrl + C 退出
  • 重启 khala-nodepherry
    • 必须给 pherry 的启动命令加上 --fetch-blocks 512,如果你用官方的 Docker 镜像,那就得加到去EXTRA_OPTS 比如这么写 -e EXTRA_OPTS="-r --parachain --collator-ws-endpoint=ws://localhost:9944 --fetch-blocks 512",官方的 solo 挖矿脚本已经给修了,下最新版就行
    • 最好是确认 khala-node 同步完了再启动 pherry

另外,之前有老哥说 finalize 0 不动的问题,我这里没遇到,就同步完了放着十来分钟自己就好了,还不行重启一下 khala-node 之后再等等就行


Hi, aegis.
Could you explain plz where to find the last snapshot?

Thank you.

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谢谢你给我一些好主意! 很高兴我找到了这个话题。 现在我已经朝着正确的方向前进 ;)

Found id.
But now needed more the 1T hard drive.