Withdraw delegation - InvalidWithdrawalAmount error

I am getting error message reading “InvalidWithdrawalAmount” when using the Withdraw function on MyDelegate pages of Phala App (https://app.phala.network/delegate/my-delegate/). I am using PC with the phala app. The error is replicated with two different browsers (Brave and Firefox). I am getting this issue for one pid only (193). Withdraw function seems to work fine for other pids.

The following images show the error message when trying to Withdraw 3000PHA. This shows up as withdrawal attempt of 299,999,999.9999999 in khala subscan (khala.subscan.io). I also tried this with 3PHA and it also shows up as 299,999,999.9999999 in subscan.


Any help to resolve would be appreciated.

I ask you to try the withdrawal using the on-chain function, here the commands: How to Inquiry and Operate on- chain

Thank you for the suggestion. The on-chain operation worked fine.

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