
尊敬各位的社区朋友 :
大家好!我是PHALA忠实粉丝。在PHALA矿工交流1群里面的微信名叫“青岛锦碧源面辅料”。我从项目开始以来,一直是PHALA的忠实粉丝,而且购买机器在前期活动和Phala Vendetta 的第一次、和第二次竞赛中共获得4,322.9432枚 PHA。获得的PHALA币于2021年7月22日经官方帐户汇入我的帐户4322.9432枚。帐户地址名:44PbiM3TGLNAtA9kFEaivtvPFsQ9QiYnAi1cj84UfJoT6qws.这个情况Phala Vendetta活动官方公布表格里可以查到。然而不幸的是,我的帐户里其中4,241.759枚 PHA于2021年9月17日6点56分被不明人士转盗走。转到的地址是:41QAt5PaqU3KKuTjjYnxDJkGVg1NGoM1rsggTXc4T9LzzkS8. 交易哈希值:0x786706496bfb8174b4e9a3a37080a854e412a0a9826b535d6aebec3220bf75d9.
证据一,1605 MINER RACE奖励:活动奖励(需科学上网)


证据三,Khala Crowdloan 及 Vendetta 测试网奖励已发放并开放查询:测试网奖励已发放并开放查询




Dear community friends,

Everybody is good! I’m a big fan of PHALA. In PHALA miners exchange group 1, the wechat name is “Qingdao Jinbiyuan Flour and Auxiliary Materials”. I have been a big fan of PHALA since the beginning of the project, and bought the machines to win 4,322.9432 PHAs in the early campaign and PHALA Vendetta’s first, second and second contests. The PHALA coins obtained were transferred to my official account on July 22, 2021 for 4322.9432. The account address name: 44PbiM3TGLNAtA9kFEaivtvPFsQ9QiYnAi1cj84UfJoT6qws. This can be found in the official form of Phala Vendetta’s campaign. Unfortunately, 4,241.759 PHAS in my account were transferred and stolen by an unknown person at 6:56 on September 17, 2021. To address is: 41QAt5PaqU3KKuTjjYnxDJkGVg1NGoM1rsggTXc4T9LzzkS8. Transaction Hash:0x786706496bfb8174b4e9a3a37080a854e412a0a9826b535d6aebec3220bf75d9.
Proof of my PHA’s legitimate source can be found at the official link below.
Exhibit A,The 1605 competition and the Vendetta incentive program
Exhibit B,Khala Crowdloan and Vendetta Test Network awards issued and open for enquiries
I hope with the help of the community through a referendum proposal: the theft of account is as follows: 41QAt5PaqU3KKuTjjYnxDJkGVg1NGoM1rsggTXc4T9LzzkS8. To return my assets to the new address, 41zUCsM4v9GqS3mpRmWZgE3tGseVKubHrRfJme5UuEswt9Wi (old address has already been leaked risk again stolen private key).
preimage hash:0xbce84199c779cd2228fad584311e80046c189d374bb831444690e511d27a8781。
Welcome the community leaders for my justice, do not let the thief this means of criminal success, promote justice. Give PHALA a clean space. Thank you very much!
