10/28 NETWORK UPDATE - Khala Network Upgrade 0.1.7

🪧Important Upgrade Announcement

Kusama runtime will be upgraded to version 0.9.12 within 24 hours. As one of the parachains, Khala will also need to upgrade synchronously to version 0.1.7. To ensure normal use of node synchronization, mining and related matters, please read the following instruction carefully and complete the upgrade before 00:00 (UTC +8) on October 29, 2021.

:open_book: Instruction:

1)For Miners: Please follow the instructions below to update your solo minion script:

  sudo phala stop pherry
  sudo phala stop node
  sudo docker pull phalanetwork/khala-node
  sudo phala start

2)For PRB and other users:

  After stopping khala node, pull phalanetwork/khala-node:latest again

:warning:Attention: You must complete the upgrade before midnight otherwise it will affect node synchronization, mining and related matters on Khala node

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