Telegram BOT for miners / stakers

Khala Public Watchdog (Telegram BOT)

Telegram nickname: @KhalaWatchdogBot

Bot is after some testing period but still not stable enough to relay on.
Please report any issue.

Observations / Notifications


  • worker enter unresponsive state (reminder every 15min)

  • rewards available to claim exceed defined value (default 100PHA)

  • display status of observed pools

  • notify about contribution / withdrawal request in owned pool - only if exceeds defined value (default 1kPHA)

  • notify about withrawal pending in queue (reminder every 1d)

  • notify about meaningful drop of rewards (default 25% drop)

  • collect info about network state from trusted nodes

  • notify users about issues with their nodes based on submitted node state - notify if no heartbeat longer than 15min or if node behind best trusted node over 25 blocks


  • rewards available to claim exceed defined value (default 100PHA)
  • notify about commission change larger than defined value (default 1%)
  • display status of observed pools
  • notify about meaningful drop of rewards (default 25% drop)


/config set <key> <value>
Configures some setting

  • claimRewardsThreshold notification about claimable reward will be sent only if available rewards exceed this value (unit PHA) (default 100PHA)
  • changeCommissionThreshold notification about pool commission change will be sent only if change is larger than this value (% unit) (default 1%)
  • contributionThreshold notification about contributions will be sent only if amount exceed this value (PHA unit) (default 1 kPHA)
  • withdrawalThreshold notification about withdrawals will be sent only if amount exceed this value (PHA unit) (default 10 kPHA)
  • poolPerformanceDropThreshold notification about pool performance drop larger than this value (% unit) (default 25%)

/account list
Shows list of owned accounts

/account add <KhalaChainAddress>
Adds owned account. Required verification using message signing.
Sign applet (

/account remove <KhalaChainAddress>
Remove account

/account remove all
Remove all accounts

/stakepool scan
It will scan all pools and based on owned accounts will start observing pools

/stakepool add <stakePoolId>
Start to observe stake pool

/stakepool remove <stakePoolId>
Stop observing stake pool

/stakepool remove all
Stop observing all stake pools

/status [stakepool <stakePoolId>]
Fetch status of observed pools (or specific stakepool if param given)

Display list of your nodes

/node new <name>
Add new node with specified name

/node remove <nodeKey>
Remove node using specified node key

Tracking node issues

Use following (zero dependency) simple script:




IDEA (possible to implement in future)

  • send message / question poll to delegators of stake pool (for owners)
  • bi-directional chat for stakers / owners (without revealing tg username)


If you would like to get some nice feature please inform me :slight_smile:
I will be happy to implement valuable features


How to sign message:

  1. Select account used to signing (according to what you wrote to bot)
  2. Input message which you would like to sign (message which bot want you to sign)
  3. Click “Sign message” button (follow confirmation dialog)
  4. Copy signature and write it back to bot
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