Proposal: Adjust tokenomics params to reflect difference in block time (second)

Regarding previous adjustment referendum

I would like to propose next tokenomic params update:
Avg block times:

1d 	 28.8 s
1w 	 24.4 s
2w 	 23.3 s
3w 	 21.6 s
1m 	 19.7 s

As it strongly fluctuates and unless Kusama will fix their issues it will not return to normal I would rather propose to pick 2w avg 23.3s

Avg PHA price in last month: 0.2632
Putting it into script from previous post gives:

  cost_k: 0.00000006008836911817,
  cost_b: 0.00012808310259399593,
  rig_k: 1.1398176291793314,
  rig_b: 0

Final tokenomics params

  phaRate: '0.2632',
  rho: '1.000000666600231',
  budgetPerBlock: '12.135416667',
  vMax: '30000',
  costK: '0.00000006008836911817',
  costB: '0.00012808310259399593',
  slashRate: '0',
  treasuryRatio: '0.19999999999999999999',
  heartbeatWindow: '20',
  rigK: '1.1398176291793314',
  rigB: '0',
  re: '1.5',
  k: '50',
  kappa: '1'

Before submitting proposal I would like to get feedback from team - what do you think?

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