Phala App Delegate/Mining Error Summary

  1. Mining

    1. Worker

      Error name Meaning Solution
      WorkerNotRegistered The worker is not registered in the registry when adding to the pool Check the synchronization process and mining status of the worker
      BenchmarkMissing The worker doesn’t have a valid benchmark when adding to the pool Make sure the worker is mining and wait for the benchmark uploaded
      WorkerDoesNotExist The worker is already added to the pool -
      WorkerInAnotherPool The worker is already added to another pool Remove it from the pool to which the worker is added before if it’s not the pool you want to add the worker to
      UnauthorizedOperator The access to a worker is granted by its operator parameter set by register_worker Check the config on the mining scripts
      InsufficientFreeStake Cannot start mining because there’s no enough free stake The stake amount you set to the work is more than the free stake amount in the pool. Set a number that is less than the free stake or delegates more PHA in the pool
      WorkersExceedLimit Failed to add a worker because the number of the workers exceeds the upper limit. Create another pool or remove the useless worker in this pool (Make sure the worker is stopped and reclaimed before you remove it)
      CannotRestartWithLessStake Restarted with a less stake is not allowed in the tokenomic. -
      MinerNotReady Miner is not in Ready state to proceed. Wait for a 7 days period of Cool-down and reclaim it when the period is finished
      MinerNotMining Miner is not in Mining state to stop mining. -
      CoolDownNotReady Cannot reclaim the worker because it’s still in cooldown period. Wait for the 7 days period of Cool-down and reclaim it when the period is finished
      TooMuchStake Cannot start mining because there’s too much stake (exceeds Vmax). The stake amount you set for the worker is more than the maximum stake amount of the worker. Set a lower number and try again. How to calculate the maximum stake: Phala Tokenomics
      BenchmarkTooLow Indicating the initial benchmark score is too low to start mining. Make sure your worker has a high-quality computing power. Restart your mining scripts and check the mining score on the mining status. If the mining score is still under 100, the worker will not be allowed to participate the Phala Mining.
      MinerNotFound Miner not found. -
      MinerNotBound Not permitted because the miner is not bound with a worker. -
      WorkerNotBound Not permitted because the worker is not bound with a miner account. -
      InternalErrorBadTokenomicParameters Internal error. The tokenomic parameter is not set. Please contact the Phala Team the bug you meet, thank you
    2. Pool

      Error name Meaning Solution
      InadequateCapacity The stake capacity is set too low to cover the existing stake Set a higher cap that is not less than the amount of existing delegation
      NoRewardToClaim There’s no pending reward to claim Keep patient and learn about the Principles of payment events
      AlreadyInContributeWhitelist Can not add the staker to whitelist because the staker is already in whitelist. -
      ExceedWhitelistMaxLen Too many stakers in contribution whitelist that exceed the limit remove the useless whitelist in this pool
  2. Delegate

    Error name Meaning Solution
    StakeExceedsCapacity The stake added to a pool exceeds its capacity You can’t add the delegation amount more than the delegatable amount of the pool
    InsufficientContribution The contributed stake is smaller than the minimum threshold Set a delegation amount that is more than 0.01 PHA
    InsufficientBalance Trying to contribute more than the available balance You don’t have enough transferrable balance. Check your transferrable balance
    InvalidWithdrawalAmount The withdrawal amount is too small (considered as dust) The withdrawal amount should be more than 0.01 PHA
    NoRewardToClaim There’s no pending reward to claim Keep patient and learn about the Principles of payment events
    NotInContributeWhitelist Invalid staker to contribute because origin isn’t in Pool’s contribution whitelist. Ask the pool owner to add you to the whitelist

Thx for the list errors ! It should be helpful ! :innocent:

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