New council candidate introduction - Polkadirks from OAK Network

Hey Phala/Khala community!

I am Christian Dirk AKA '@Polkadirks’ from the parachain OAK/Turing Network.

I am introducing myself as a governance council candidate. I currently work as a full-time researcher at the parachain OAK/Turing - I am a governance council member of our Kusama parachain (link below) and parachain governance is one of my key areas of research and professional experience.

I believe that having team members from multiple parachains across multiple governance councils will strengthen the collaboration between parachains. As our chains have a Kusama HRMP channel open I have significantly researched the Khala and Phala protocols and participated in the original Khala crowdloan.

My voice on the council will speak as a supporter of the project and professional of the overall Dotsama ecosystem. I value a collaborative system.