
Hey Phala/Khala community:
I’m Ray from Bluemountain Labs (BML).
I am introducing myself as a governance council candidate.
We are one of the best Chinese community partners for Polkadot/web3.0 ecological high-quality projects; we are committed to the research and practice of web3.0 infrastructure protocols, economic models and governance.
We have done a lot of work to help build a more branded DAO; we are also early supporters of PHA. Since 2020, we have held several offline Meetups independently and invited Marvin to share themes to help spread the phala network Value; at present, we are also continuing to contribute CPUs to the PHALA network. We have combined with some institutions to have more than 50+ PIDs, attracting a large number of computing power enthusiasts, covering more than 1000+ people, more than 10 million pha entered the network,and we believe this value will continue to increase. .
If I am elected to the PHA Governance Committee, I will actively contribute wisdom and professional collaboration as a professional representing community computing power supporters.

Phala network community:
在接下来的时间,我们会联合Web3.0新锐媒体“元宇宙之心”、以及深耕波卡生态研究的“波卡生态研究院”、全球知名多链钱包“Token Pocket”等行业优质伙伴,助推PHALA网络在web3.0计算云赛道持续占领规模。

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