How to Obtain tPHA on Testnet Vendetta

ALERT: This operation will swap your ERC20 PHA (tradable) into tPHA (untradable). Phala added this design to prevent spam miners and fake competition in Miner Race Ranking. tPHA can’t be swapped back to ERC20 PHA. So we suggest you swap only a proper amount of tPHA.

0.1 PHA = 1,000 tPHA

Apply from telegram faucet channel

  1. Join Phala faucet telegram
  2. Send /drip [your testnet address] to faucet bot, then you will get 1000 tPHA in your testnet wallet.

To obtain a large amount of tPHA (≥10,000)

NOTE: We DO NOT suggest you obtain a large amount of tPHA before you are familiar with the whole setup procedure. The burned PHA are unretrievable and tPHA have NO VALUE other than being usable on testnet.

  1. Transfer the amount of PHA you want to burn (1 PHA = 10,000 tPHA) into 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead
  2. Copy the TX hash and wait for it to be successfully transferred
  3. Go to → Claim Token, paste the TX Hash into the first line, and fill in your testnet address. Click Click to Claim.

How does one convert Vendetta tPHA into pre-mainnet PHA?

so is the phala swap site offline now? Have’t been able to access for a couple of days

Please use TG faucet geting tPHA